Crazy Little Thing Called Love.

Love, what a strange thing. It can make you do things you never thought you could. Take you to heights of happiness you never knew even existed. The power of love is probably the strangest of all kinds of feelings. A father who loves his children, a brother who loves his sister, a man who loves his wife. They all have different meanings but are all called by the same word, Love. That is the magic of it.

It takes great courage to express your love for someone. And even hiding takes a lot of effort. But what ever said and done, its always there, either shining bright on the outside or hiding deep inside the deepest corners of oneself, and yet still there. Everyone  has their own way of showing others how much they love them. Its probably whats makes us different from each other. A love between a man and a woman is something other worldly. It can make the two the happiest people on earth or the most scared!

No one likes it when they have their hearts broken and yet they do it to others. But then again that maybe the best thing to do. If you don't love someone, there is no point in tagging them along and wasting both of your time. If the other person really loves you and you don't, tell them. You owe them that at least, the truth.

Some where along the path of all our lives we meet that someone whom we fall head over heels in love with. That love can teach you many things no matter how it ends. If it ends badly then you know what you want and what you don't. On the other hand, if it goes to a point where you can't live without each other, you learn that, well, that you can't live without each other.
Love can be a brutal thing. Watching the love of your life with someone else, its like a knife straight through to your heart. But you do anything to see them happy, so you just smile and act like nothing ever happened while you're dying inside. After all, that is what love is about. Honestly, if you really love someone that much, then whatever they're decision is, whether they want to spend the rest of their life with you or with someone else, you have to respect that decision. There is nothing harder one can do than to watch your love walk away right before your eyes. Its often too late that you realise that you lost the moon because you were too busy counting the stars. But when the person you love, loves you the exact same way or even more, the feeling is something more than words can express! There is this feeling of exhilaration and happiness that makes you realise that life really is worth living! Living through something like that requires a great deal of luck.
The truth of it all is simple. If you love someone, tell them. They might actually love you back. And even if they don't, at least then you can move on and not spend the rest of your life wondering 'what if'. Take that risk. Maybe its worth it. 

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