Crazy Little Thing Called Love.

Love, what a strange thing. It can make you do things you never thought you could. Take you to heights of happiness you never knew even existed. The power of love is probably the strangest of all kinds of feelings. A father who loves his children, a brother who loves his sister, a man who loves his wife. They all have different meanings but are all called by the same word, Love. That is the magic of it.

What teenager's do the most

Teenager's now day's actually don't have time for anything, they are all doing something or the other to spend their time. Most teenager's even waste their time doing stupid things and never even realize what they are doing.

10 points to impress a girl make her fall in love

A girl's mind is like the world's toughest maze! no matter how smooth a talker you are, they all have different tastes. But there are a few pointers that can help you make them fall for you.

TeenagerCrap is coming for you

Heya guys, well this is my first blog over here and its just gonna be about we "Teenagers", and i'm gonna give u a lot of help and ideas. So watch out and know more things..